Get Help                                                                                          Carer ID Card Application and Wellbeing Self-Check

Your Details

Please complete your details to register for your Carer ID Card and to complete your Wellbeing Self Check. The information you provide may be shared with Carers Together Wiltshire and Wiltshire Council. You can read more in our privacy policy.

Please check this is correct before submission

Please make sure this address is correct before submitting this form as this is where we will send your Carer ID Card to if you request one

As part of your registration, you will automatically be sent your Carer ID Card. The ID card can be used to verify you a Carer and includes emergency contact details which can be useful in the event an emergency prevents you from carrying out your caring role. if you do not wish to have a Carer ID Card, please select no and you will be taken to your Wellbeing Self Check.

Please note, this card is only for Carers who provide care for someone who lives in Wiltshire. If you mark ‘no’ you will be taken to the Self Check section of this form.

On the reverse of your Carer ID Card we will record your emergency contact details, this is the person who should be contacted in the event something happens to you. Your card will also contain the Wiltshire Adult Social Care Advice and Contact Team contact details. After you have registered for this card, you will be contacted by Carers Together Wiltshire who will offer you the opportunity to create an emergency plan for the person you care for, to give you peace of mind in the event you are unable to care for them for any reason.

Please make sure this is a number for your emergency contact

Your Carer ID Card includes a photo of you which you will need to upload here. The picture needs to be a head and shoulders image that you are comfortable using on the front of the card. 

Your Caring Role

If you care for more than one person, please select the person you provide the most care to

To help you reflect on the impact of your current caring role, you have the option to complete a Wellbeing Self Check. The answers you provide in your Wellbeing Self Check will allow us to tailor and provide you with support which may be useful to your current situation.

This could be physical, emotional or safety in your own home environment

Support in your Caring Role

This service is funded by Wiltshire Council and BSW ICB