Dorset Carer Friendly ID Card Registration

Please check this is correct before submission

Your Carer ID number can be found in the Carers Card letter/email sent to you from CRISP or Carer Support Dorset. If you can't find this, please contact them and ask for your ID number

This is where we will send the carer card to. Please make sure this address is correct before submitting this form

On the reverse of each card, we will record your ‘In Case of Emergency’ (ICE) contact details. This is the person who will be called if anything happens to you, e.g. your partner’s name & number, a relative or friend’s name & number. If you do not have anyone who could be emergency contact, please give the name and contact number of your GP practice.

Please make sure this is a number for your emergency contact

The picture needs to be a head and shoulders photo that you are comfortable using on the front of the card