Survey of Adults Carer's in Birmingham 2024

If you are registered with Birmingham Carer's Hub and look after a family member, partner or friend in need of support or services because of their age, physical or learning disability or illness, including mental illness, we would like you to complete this questionnaire.

Birmingham Carer's Hub is a partnership of not-for-profit organisations who you may have had support from, this includes: Action for Children, Age Concern Birmingham, Age UK Birmingham, Ashiana Community Project, Barefoot Birmingham, Birmingham Buddhist Centre, Bridgit Care, Chinese Community Centre Birmingham, Dementia Carers Count, Headway Birmingham and Solihull, Kissing it Better, Midland Mencap, OSCAR Birmingham, University Hospitals Birmingham and YMCA Sutton Coldfield.

This is a localised survey based on the national quality of life for Carer's survey. You do not have to answer all the questions; if you don’t want to answer a question, or don’t know the answer, then move onto the next question.

If you care for more than one person, please answer only in relation to the person you spend the most time helping. If you spend an equal amount of time caring for two or more people, please answer in relation to the person who lives with you. If you live with two or more people that you spend an equal amount of time caring for, please choose one person to answer about.

Section 1: About the person you care for                                                                                                      

The questions in this section ask about the person you care for, by which we mean the person you look after or help, and your experience of support and services.

(If you don't know the exact age, please give an approximate one- the person cared for should be aged 18 or over)

Please tick all that apply

Action for Children, Age Concern Birmingham, Age UK Birmingham, Ashiana Community Project, Barefoot Birmingham, Birmingham Buddhist Centre, Bridgit Care, Chinese Community Centre Birmingham, Dementia Carers Count, Headway Birmingham and Solihull, Kissing it Better, Midland Mencap, OSCAR Birmingham, University Hospitals Birmingham and YMCA Sutton Coldfield. 

Section 2: The impact of caring and your quality of life                                                                

Some of the questions in this section look at the impact of caring on aspects of your life, while others ask about the quality of different parts of your life more generally.

When you are thinking about what you do with your time, please include anything you value or enjoy, including formal employment, voluntary or unpaid work, caring for others and leisure activities.

By ‘personal safety’ we mean feeling safe from fear of abuse, being attacked or other physical harm because of your caring role.

If you provide your contact details at the end of this survey, we may contact you to check on your safety and discuss any support you may need.

If you have concerns about your safety or the safety of the person you care for, please call Adult Social Care on 0121 303 1234 during office hours, or to get help out-of-hours call the Emergency Duty Team on 0121 675 4806. In the event of an emergency always dial 999. 

Section 3: Information and advice quality


The next question ask for your views about the quality of information and advice.

Section 4: This section is based on the Carer Commitments included in the Birmingham City Council Carer's Strategy 2024-2029. Carer's told us the following things are important in their lives. 

15. Please rate the statement to show how much you agree or disagree with these in your life as a Carer.                                                                                                                                          

Section 5: This section is about a possible new way of accessing your Carer's Assessment online in the future. A Carer's Assessment is an in-depth discussion about the impact that your caring role may be having on any aspect of your daily life and any help or support that may be available. Most Carer's Assessments currently take place via telephone.


We would like to know what you think about the option of accessing an assessment online if this is an option in the future.

Please tick as many answers as apply

Section 6: About yourself                                                                                                                       

The next group of questions helps us to get a better picture of the types of Carer's who took part in this survey.

Please tick one box

Section 7: Comments                                                                                                                           

Please use the space provided below to describe anything you would like to tell us about, or to write any other comments you would like to make 

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this question. Your experiences and feedback help inform our services. We will share a report based on anonymised responses to this survey and any actions taken.